Getting your school organized and connected is easy with ClassDojo! Uploading a school roster to the School Directory ensures that all teachers and students are accurately listed and ready to connect. This comprehensive directory allows school-approved teachers to add students, including their family connections so that other teachers can seamlessly integrate the same students into their classes. By uploading your school roster, you’ll streamline communication and simplify class setup. Follow these simple steps to upload a school roster to the School Directory and keep your school community engaged and connected!
From the Web
To upload your roster from the web:
- Log into your ClassDojo account
- Click on the "School Directory" tab, then on the "Students" tab
- Click "Add students"
- Click on the "Import student list"
- Select the "Import from Word" or "Import from Excel" tab
- Paste your roster into the blank field
Note: Each listing should be formatted as "First name Last name." You can include a parent connection email after the last name as well, if desired. There should be no commas.
- Click "Done adding students" when you're finished
💡 Tip: If your school's roster isn't in a Microsoft Word document or an Excel spreadsheet, you can also manually enter the students' names and parents’ email addresses.
From the App
Our apps work best for adding one to two students at a time. If you're trying to add an entire class or your whole school, we highly recommend using your computer and logging into the website here. Our website offers the ability to upload in bulk by copying and pasting from a Word or Excel document.
From your dashboard, tap on your school's name
- Select the "School Directory" button at the bottom of the screen
- Tap on the "Students" tab at the top of the screen
- Tap on the "+ Add student" button
- Enter the student's name. Formatting should be "First name Last name"
- Tap the "Add" button that appears below the input line
Repeat steps 1-6 to add additional students. To import a roster of students, please see the steps under Web 🎉