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Graduate Your Class

At the end of the school year, if students will be leaving the school (moving from elementary to middle school, for example), you will want to “Graduate” the class. This ensures all parent connections are closed and Messaging with the teacher is disabled. Old Story and Portfolio posts will remain in the parent’s account.

Please note:

  • Once a class is graduated, parents will no longer see School Story posts
  • If you have accidentally graduated your class, you can “un-graduate” a student (not a full class) from the web at any time! Please log in to your account from your device to undo the student's graduation status. This feature is only available on the web.

From the Web

Here's how to graduate your class from the web:

    1. Open your class
    2. Click "options" in the upper right corner of your class
    3. Click “Finish Class”
    4. Click “Graduate Class” in the pop-up box
    5. A pop-up screen will appear with your class list. All of the students are automatically selected. You can de-select students that are not graduating

    6. Click "Graduate Student(s)" to save

To undo graduation from the web:

  1. Via the web, go to the School Directory on your teacher account
  2. Click on the "Students" Tab and scroll down to the "Graduated students" section
  3. Find the student, click on their name, and choose "Undo graduation" 

From the App

Here's how to graduate your class from the app:

  1. Open your class
  2. Tap on the 3 dot button in the top right corner of your class screen
  3. Select "Finish class" at the bottom of the dropdown list 
  4. Select "Graduate class" in the pop-up box and select “Done”
  5. A pop-up screen will appear with your class list. All of the students are automatically selected You can de-select students that are not graduating

  6. Tap "Graduate _ Student(s)" to save

Video Tutorial

Check out this video tutorial: