School Posts
Students are able to share their classwork and homework using photos, videos, journal entries, drawings and more on ClassDojo within their student account, whether created by the student’s teacher, parent, or the student themselves. If the school or teacher elects to utilize student accounts in the classroom, the school will be responsible for obtaining any necessary parental consent under COPPA. Every piece of work or content students add must first be approved by their teacher(s) before it's shared home for parents or family members to see, or additional school personnel within that child’s school. Additionally, teachers can delete this content from the student’s account after it has been posted, or parents of students can request that this content be deleted by sending in a request to their child’s school. ClassDojo will honor any valid request that we receive from a school to delete this content.
Portfolio Comments
ClassDojo Portfolio posts are visible to the student, any family members connected to the student, and any teachers connected to the class.
If a student’s teacher has elected to provide Portfolio Comments on their Student Activity Responses or any other content uploaded by students to Portfolios, the student may also respond to these comments. Prior to any student-uploaded content being viewed by the student’s parents, the teacher must first approve this content. Additionally, prior to this approval of portfolio content, any Portfolio Comments between the teacher and the student cannot be viewed by the student’s parent, but any connected parents will receive a notice indicating that Portfolio Comments is being utilized by their child’s teacher and can discuss the use of Portfolio Comments with their child’s teacher. Once the Student Activity Responses (or other content) has been approved by the student’s teacher, the Portfolio Comments will then be viewable by the parent but may have been previously edited by the student’s teacher.
Non-School Posts or Content
Any content uploaded by a child outside of the school, such as through our Beyond School features, must also first be approved by the child’s teacher or parent prior to it appearing on the child’s portfolio or account.