School Leaders and teachers with Admin permissions can add, edit and remove students as well as invite and remove teachers from their School Directory.
Students can be added to your School Directory 1 of 2 ways:
- By a School leader, Admin, or Mentor manually adding student names or uploading a school roster.
- By getting automatically added when a verified Teacher adds new student names to their class.
Please Note: School leaders and teacher with admin permissions can include parent emails when they enter new students into the Directory. Upon adding a parent's email to a student's profile, the parent will receive an email that they have been invited to join the school community. When a teacher imports the student from the Directory to their class, any existing parent connections will also be imported to the class.
From the Web
To Add New Students to your Directory:
- At the top of the dashboard on the left side of your screen, select your school’s name, then select the “Directory” tab
- Select the “Students” tab and then click the blue “+ Add students” button
- From here you can choose to enter each student’s name and parent email address (optional) or you can upload a roster from Microsoft Word or Excel.
- Select “Done adding students” when you are finished.
How to add students already in a class to your Directory:
If you see students in a class but do not see them in your Directory, the owner of the class can push all the students into the Directory. If only a few are missing, the owner of the class will still want to push all students since only the students missing will get added.
1. First make sure you are the owner/admin of the class and that your account is verified.
2. In your Class Settings, go to "Connect Students". Click on the button in the banner at the bottom of the window that says "Add students to Directory".
To Edit or Remove Students:
You can edit a student’s name, graduation status, or parent connections by clicking on a student's name under the "Students" tab in your School Directory. To do this:
- At the top of the dashboard on the left side of your screen, select your school’s name, then select the “Directory” tab
- Select the “Students” tab
- Use the "Search by name" line to enter the name of the student you'd like to edit. Then click on the matching student from the list generated below
- Click on the student's name to bring up a pop-up box. From here, you can edit the student's first and last name, add or remove parent connections, or remove the student from the school. *Removing a student from the Directory does not remove them from the classes they are in.
Please note: Editing a student's name or removing a student's parent connection will change the student's information in all classes they are in, so please use this feature with caution.
To Remove or Graduate Multiple Students:
- Scroll to the Grade/Category on the "Students" tab where the students are located.
- Click on the three dots to the right of the category name
- Choose "Graduate" to make the students inactive in your Directory or "Remove" to remove their names and parent connections from the Directory list.
- All students in that group will automatically be selected. Deselect the students you do not want to change, and then confirm that action for the student names selected.
You can graduate a full class of students or select certain students from a class to graduate if they are moving on from your school. Graduating a class archives the class and graduates every student in the class. Graduating a student causes their parent connections to no longer see the School Story, however, old Class Story and Student Portfolio posts will remain in the Parent’s story feed.
These students will be listed in your directory under “Graduated students”. If you need to undo the graduation status, you can at any time by clicking on the student's name and clicking "Undo graduation".
To Merge Student Listings:
If you have the same student listed twice in your School Directory you can merge the two listings if you are a verified School Leader or Mentor. Please note that students can only be merged if there has never been a parent connection for both student listings or one of the student listings. Also, if a student account has been created by both student listings, then the two listings of the same student cannot be merged.
- At the top of the dashboard on the left side of your screen, select your school’s name, then select the “Directory” tab
- Select the “Students” tab and then the blue “Merge” button
- Search the name of the student and once you find both names, click “Merge”
Please Note: Merging two students cannot be undone so please use this feature with caution.
To Add Teachers:
Verified School Leaders and Mentors can invite other staff to join their school through an email invite. Click on "Invite teacher or staff" if inviting one or "Add list of teachers" if inviting many at a time.
To Remove Teachers:
Verified School Leaders, Admins, and Mentors can remove teachers connected to the School Directory.
- At the top of the dashboard on the left side of your screen, select your school’s name, then select the “Directory” tab
- In the “Teacher” tab under “School Staff” select the small downward-pointing arrow to the right of the teacher who needs removed and select “Remove from school”
- Confirm the selection by selecting "Remove" in the pop-up window
- Choose the name of another verified teacher (you can select yourself) to become the new owner of all the active classes owned by the teacher (if there are any). If the teacher is a co-teacher in several classes that are still being used, then have the owners of those classes remove the teacher leaving.
*Note: Removing a teacher from your Directory does not delete their ClassDojo account. Additionally, when the teacher is removed from the school on the website, they'll no longer have access to any classes listed in your Directory.
From the App
Here's how to complete the following tasks from the app:
To Add Students:
- On your account’s dashboard, select the name of your school under “School,” then click on the “School Directory” tab
- After selecting the “Students” tab, click on the blue “+ Add student” button near the top of the page
- Type the student’s name and then press the blue “+Add [Child’s Name]” button
- When you are finished adding students, select “Done” in the upper right-hand corner of the screen
Please note: You cannot invite parents on the app at the same time you add the student to the directory. To invite a parent to connect to the student on the app, scroll through the list of students in the School Directory and select the child’s name (students you have added directly in this way will be listed towards the bottom under “No current classes”). Selecting the student’s name will give you the option to “Invite parent.” Simply type the email address of the parent you would wish to connect to the student and click “Invite”. From here, the parent will receive an email invitation to connect to the student. When teachers import the student from the School Directory, these parent connections will come with the student automatically.
To Edit Students:
You can edit a student’s name from the ClassDojo app. Please visit the ClassDojo website to edit parent connections or graduation status.
- On your account’s dashboard, select the name of your school under “School,” then click on the “School Directory” tab
- After selecting the “Students” tab, scroll through the students to find the student you wish to edit
- Select the student’s name, then select “Edit student”
- Make the changes you desire to the student’s name, then click “Save” in the upper right corner
- Confirm the decision by clicking “Save” in the pop-up window
To Remove Students:
- On your account’s dashboard, select the name of your school under “School,” click on the “School Directory” tab
- After selecting the “Students” tab, scroll through the students to find the student you wish to remove from the school
- Select the student’s name, then select “Remove student”
- Confirm the decision by clicking “Remove” in the pop-up window
To Merge Student Listings:
Merging duplicate student listings is easy on the ClassDojo website! This is not currently a feature on the iOS app.
To Graduate Students:
You can graduate a full class of students or select certain students from a class to graduate if they are moving on from your school. This ensures that all parent connections to the School are closed. Old Class Story and Student Portfolio posts will remain in the parent’s newsfeed after graduating.
- On your account’s dashboard, select the name of your school under “School,” then click on the “School Directory” tab
- After selecting the “Students” tab, click the blue “Graduate” button
- This will bring up a list of all classes in the school. Select the bubble beside each class with students you would like to graduate and click “Continue”
- The next window will show all students in each class. The bubble beside each student’s name will be selected, but if you do not wish to graduate a certain student, just unmark the bubble by clicking on it. When you are ready, select “Graduate”
These students will be listed in your School Directory under “Graduated students.” If you need to undo the graduation status of any student, please do so on the ClassDojo website. This feature is not currently available on the app.
To Remove Teachers:
Verified School Leaders and Mentors can remove teachers connected to the School Directory.
- On your account’s dashboard, select the name of your school under “School,” then click on the “School Directory” tab
- Select the “Teachers” tab
- Under “School Staff,” select the teacher you need to remove from your School Directory
- Select “Remove teacher”
- Confirm the decision by pressing “Ok” in the pop-up window
Please Note: When a teacher is removed from your School Directory on the iOS app, they will no longer have access to any classes connected to your school.