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Customize or Update Students' Avatars

Personalizing students' avatars on ClassDojo adds a fun and engaging element to the classroom experience. Whether you're setting up new avatars or updating existing ones, ClassDojo makes it easy to customize each student's virtual presence. With a variety of options, you can reflect each student's unique personality and preferences. Follow these steps to customize or update your students' avatars and bring a touch of creativity to your classroom environment!

Please Note:

  • Parents must provide permission for student accounts before they can be fully active. You can learn more about this here.
  • To edit or delete an avatar set once it's been created, select the gear next to the name of your created avatar set, then select “Delete set” and confirm. 

From the Web

There are four main ways that student avatars can be changed using the website. 

I. Let Students Create Their Own

    1. Open your class.
    2. Click the “Student login” button at the top of the screen.
    3. Follow the prompts to choose how your students will log into their accounts.  Learn more about the different login methods here.  Students will use your chosen login method to log into their accounts. Once logged in, they can create their own avatars.                          

💡 Troubleshooting Tip: If you are not seeing student-created avatars, you may need to restore them by following these steps: 

    1. Open your class and select "Settings" and then "Edit Class".
    2. Click on the "Students" tab and then click on the student's name.
    3. Click on their Avatar in the pop-up menu and then select "Restore student-created monster".

II. Use the ClassDojo Pre-Created Avatar Sets

    1. Open your class.
    2. Click "Options" on the right side of the screen and select "Edit Class".
    3. Click on the "Students" tab, then on the student for which you'd like to set a new avatar.
    4. Click on the avatar in the pop-up box.
    5. Click on one of the pre-created avatars, then click "Done" before selecting “Save”. 

III. Upload Your Own Images to Represent Your Students

    1. Open your class.
    2. Click "Options" on the right side of the screen and select "Edit Class".
    3. Click on the "Students" tab, then on the student for which you'd like to set a new avatar.
    4. Click on the avatar in the pop-up box.
    5. Click on "ClassDojo Monsters" and select "Create new set" from the drop-down menu.                 ClassDojo Monster Set
    6. Name your new custom avatar set and click on "Create monster set".
    7. Click on "Upload Monsters".
    8. Drag and drop an image file, or click "Choose File" to select a file from your computer. Continue adding images like this until you're finished, then click on the blue "Upload" button to submit them.
    9. Click on “Save set”.

You can now select any of your newly uploaded images to set as custom avatars for your class. 🎉

IV. Assign students avatars that use their initials

A School Leader or ClassDojo Admin can change all student avatars to initial avatars rather than 

monster avatars!

  1. Log into your School Leader or ClassDojo Admin account on the website.
  2. Click the profile icon in the upper right.
  3. Click “School Settings”.
  4. Under the “Monster avatars” heading, toggle the switch off to change all student avatars to initial avatars.

Please note- there is not a way to change to initial avatars for specific students or classes at this time. When initial avatars are assigned, they will be assigned to all students in the school. 

From the App (iOS and Android)

From the app, you can change a student's avatar to a ClassDojo pre-created avatar only.  If you'd like to create your own avatar set, please use the website.

  1. Open your class.
  2. Tap on the 3 dot button in the top right corner of your class screen and select “Edit students”.
  3. Select the pencil to the right of the student for whom you want to change the avatar, then select “Edit student”.
  4. Click "Edit avatar" under the student's avatar and select a new one from the pop-up menu that you'd like to use.
  5. Tap "Save," then tap “Done” to return to your class.


Download Classic Avatar Sets