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How to Assign Student Portfolio Activities to Students

Assigning Student Portfolio Activities on ClassDojo is a fantastic way to engage students and track their progress! With just a few simple steps, you can create and assign activities that allow students to showcase their work, creativity, and learning journey. This feature makes it easy to provide personalized assignments and feedback, ensuring each student stays motivated and connected. Follow these steps to learn how to assign Student Portfolio Activities to your students and enhance their learning experience on ClassDojo!

From the Web

Here's how to assign Student Portfolio activities from the web:

  1. To assign an activity to your students, log into your ClassDojo teacher account using a computer
  2. Choose your class
  3. Tap the "Portfolios" tab
  4. Tap "Create activity" 
  5. Enter an Activity name, e.g., "Reading reflection"
  6. Enter Activity instructions, e.g. "Write five sentences about the 10 pages you read last night, and include a two-sentence description of your favorite character so far!"
  7. Select how you want students to respond to the Activity  (Text entry, Video recording, Photo, or Drawing)
  8. Tap "Assign to class"  or select the students you wish to complete the activity by selecting the drop-down arrow next to "Whole class assigned"

Please note: The Activity will be immediately assigned directly to your students and it will appear under their "To-Dos" in their account. You can tap on an Activity in your queue to see which students have responded to the activity. You can also tap the “Edit” button next to the gear icon on the Activity to archive it or delete it from your Activity queue.


Video Tutorial

Check out this great video on how to use ClassDojo Portfolios!