School Leaders can easily post school-wide events on the School Story. Families will be notified of the event according to the reminder choices you select.
From the Web
Here's how from the web:
- At the top of the dashboard, on the left side of your screen, select your school’s name, then select the “Home” tab
- Click on "Event" in the "What's happening at your school?" box
- In the window which pops up, add your event Title, Date & time, Description, Theme, and select the boxes for when you would like parents to receive a reminder email or notification of the event.
- Click the blue "Create" button to post the event to the School Story and to your "Upcoming Events" sidebar.
How Parents View Events on the ClassDojo Website:
On the website, parents will see all class and school events on their story feed when the event is created and then in chronological order in the "Upcoming Events" sidebar on the left side of the screen. School Events will be designated "School Event". Students do not see School Events or School Story posts in their accounts.
Families can click "View all events" to see all scheduled events in chronological order.
Here's how from the iOS app:
- Click on the name of your school to open your School Story
- Click the "+" button at the bottom of the screen and select "Event"
- In the pop-up, add your event Title, Date & time, Description, Theme, and select the boxes for when you would like parents to receive a reminder email or notification of the event
- Click the blue "Create" button to post the event the School Story and to your "Upcoming Events" sidebar
You can tap "View all" to the right of "Next event" to see all of your school's events in chronological order.
How Parents View Events on the iOS app:
On the iOS app, parents will see all class and school events on their story feed when the event is created. The next upcoming event will always be pinned to the top of the parent's story feed.
Families can click "View all" to see all scheduled events in chronological order.
While events cannot be created in the Android app yet, you can view your school events in the app. In your account dashboard, you can click on your school name under "School" to bring up the School Story. Events will be listed in the School Story feed when you create the event and your school's next event will always show at the top of the feed.
You can click "View All" to the right of "Next event" to see all of your school's events in chronological order.
How Families View Events on the Android app:
On the Android app, parents will see all class and school events on their story feed when the event is created. The next upcoming event will always be pinned to the top of the parent's story feed.
Families can click "View All" to see all scheduled events in chronological order.