S'assurer que l'histoire de votre école reste un espace positif et informatif est facile avec les outils de modération de ClassDojo ! Tous les chefs d'établissement et enseignants approuvés par l'école et disposant d'autorisations d'administrateur ont la possibilité de modérer l'histoire de l'école. Cela inclut l'activation et la désactivation des paramètres de commentaires, la modification ou la suppression de publications et la suppression de commentaires individuels d'une publication. Ces outils aident à maintenir une communauté respectueuse et engageante pour tous.
Enabling or Disabling School Story Comments
From the Web:
Make sure you are toggled into the correct school
- If connected to multiple schools, confirm you are toggled into the correct school (check the top-left corner of the screen)
Access Settings
- Click your profile picture in the upper-right corner
- Select "School settings" from the drop-down menu
Toggle Comments
- Locate "Enable comments"
- Toggle the bar to green (on) or gray (off), depending on your preference
From the App:
Open Settings
- On your account dashboard, tap “School settings” under your school name
Adjust Comments
- Toggle "Enable comments" to purple (on) or gray (off)
Editing or Deleting School Story Posts
From the Web:
Open the School Story
- Click the "School Story" tab at the top of the screen
Find the Post
- Scroll to the desired post and click the three horizontal dots in the bottom-right corner
Edit or Delete
- Select "Edit post" to make changes or "Delete post" to remove it
- Note: You can only edit posts you have created
From the App:
Open your Story Feed
- On your dashboard, tap your school’s name
- Appuyez sur le bouton « Histoires » en bas de l'écran
Find the Post
- Locate the post and tap the three horizontal dots (...)
Edit or Delete
- Tap "Edit post" to modify or "Delete post" to remove it
- Note: You can only edit posts you have created
Deleting Individual School Story Comments
From the Web:
Locate the Post
- Go to the "School Story" tab and find the post with the comment you want to remove
View Comments
- Click the “[number of] comment(s)” button
Delete Comment
- Hover over the elapsed time since the comment was posted to reveal an “x"
- Click the "x" to delete the comment
From the App:
Open your Story Feed
- On your dashboard, tap your school’s name and then the "Stories" button
View Comments
- Find the post and tap “[number of] comment(s)” to display the list
Delete Comment
- Tap on the specific comment and select “Delete comment”