Garantir que sua School Story continue sendo um espaço positivo e informativo é fácil com as ferramentas de moderação do ClassDojo! Todos os líderes escolares e professores aprovados pela escola com permissões de administrador têm a capacidade de moderar a História da Escola. Isso inclui habilitar e desabilitar configurações de comentários, editar ou excluir postagens e remover comentários individuais de uma postagem. Essas ferramentas ajudam a manter uma comunidade respeitosa e envolvente para todos.
Enabling or Disabling School Story Comments
From the Web:
Make sure you are toggled into the correct school
- If connected to multiple schools, confirm you are toggled into the correct school (check the top-left corner of the screen)
Access Settings
- Click your profile picture in the upper-right corner
- Select "School settings" from the drop-down menu
Toggle Comments
- Locate "Enable comments"
- Toggle the bar to green (on) or gray (off), depending on your preference
From the App:
Open Settings
- On your account dashboard, tap “School settings” under your school name
Adjust Comments
- Toggle "Enable comments" to purple (on) or gray (off)
Editing or Deleting School Story Posts
From the Web:
Open the School Story
- Click the "School Story" tab at the top of the screen
Find the Post
- Scroll to the desired post and click the three horizontal dots in the bottom-right corner
Edit or Delete
- Select "Edit post" to make changes or "Delete post" to remove it
- Note: You can only edit posts you have created
From the App:
Open your Story Feed
- On your dashboard, tap your school’s name
- Selecione o botão "Stories", na parte inferior da tela
Find the Post
- Locate the post and tap the three horizontal dots (...)
Edit or Delete
- Tap "Edit post" to modify or "Delete post" to remove it
- Note: You can only edit posts you have created
Deleting Individual School Story Comments
From the Web:
Locate the Post
- Go to the "School Story" tab and find the post with the comment you want to remove
View Comments
- Click the “[number of] comment(s)” button
Delete Comment
- Hover over the elapsed time since the comment was posted to reveal an “x"
- Click the "x" to delete the comment
From the App:
Open your Story Feed
- On your dashboard, tap your school’s name and then the "Stories" button
View Comments
- Find the post and tap “[number of] comment(s)” to display the list
Delete Comment
- Tap on the specific comment and select “Delete comment”