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Customize, Add, and Edit Skills (Points)

Customizing your classroom experience on ClassDojo is easy with the ability to add, edit, or delete skills. Tailoring the skills to fit your unique classroom needs helps you better track and encourage student progress. Whether you're introducing new skills, updating existing ones, or removing outdated skills, ClassDojo makes it simple and intuitive. Follow these steps to manage your classroom skills effectively and keep your students motivated and engaged!

Please note: Skills = points

From the Web

  1. Open your class.
  2. Click on the "Options" button at top right corner and select "Edit Class."
  3. Click the "Skills" tab.
  4. To Add a Skill: Select "POSITIVE" or "NEEDS WORK." Then, click on the "Add skill" tile, enter the details, and select "Save."
  5. To Edit a Skill: Scroll over the skill and click "edit." Update the point, and click "Save"
  6. To Delete a Skill: Click on a skill tile and click "Delete."

From the App (iOS and Android)

  1. Open your class.
  2. Tap on the "3-dot" icon in the top right corner of the class.
  3. Select “Edit skills."
  4. Select "POSITIVE" or "NEEDS WORK."
  5. To Add a Skill: Tap the "Add skill" button, enter the point details, and select "Add skill."
  6. To Edit a Skill: Tap on the skill, edit the details, and select "Save."
  7. To Delete a Skill: Tap on the skill, select "Delete" and confirm by selecting "Delete."