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Archive or Un-archive a Class

Managing your classes on ClassDojo is simple, with the option to archive and unarchive classes. Archiving a class helps keep your dashboard organized by removing old or unused classes, while still allowing you to recall them later if needed. Whether you're tidying up from a previous school year, correcting a mistake, or managing test classes, archiving is a helpful feature. Follow these steps to learn how to easily archive and unarchive your classes on ClassDojo!

Please note: If you are a School Leader, you can learn how to archive and un-archive classes here.

From the Web

Here's how to archive a class from the web:

    1. Log into ClassDojo
    2. Find and select the class you wish to archive 
    3. Select "Options" in the top right corner
    4. Select "Finish class" 

Here's how to un-archive a class from the web:

  1. Click on the "Your archived classes" link below your classes in your dashboard to bring up all archived classes
  2. Click on the name of the class you'd like to restore
  3. Confirm this action by clicking "Unarchive class" and the class will be restored to your class list


From the App

Here's how to archive a class from the app:

  1. Open your class
  2. Tap on the 3 dot menu in the top right corner of your class screen.
  3. Select "Finish class" at the bottom of the dropdown list 
  4. Select "Archive class" in the pop-up screen 

Here's how to un-archive a class from the app:

  1. From your dashboard, tap on “Archived classes” from underneath the “Classes” heading
  2. Find the class you want to un-archive and tap "Restore"
  3. Select the “X” to go back to your dashboard and select the class to enter it again

Video Tutorial

Please see the video below on how you can Archive a class using the website!