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Overview of ClassDojo mobile app permissions

We know it’s not always clear why mobile apps need the permissions they ask for. We want teachers, parents,  students, and Outside School Child Users to always know what we collect and why we need it, so they have a great ClassDojo experience.

We’ve made two simple charts that summarize the different permissions we might request: the first for iOS devices and the second for Android ones.

The chart clarifies which permissions we use for the student account portion of the app.

We will be sure to keep this page updated whenever we make changes to mobile permissions!


ClassDojo iOS app

Permission type What we need it for What we do with it Ever accessed from students or Outside School Child Users?
Photos & Videos (optional) To allow teachers, parents, school leaders, and students to send pictures and videos from their camera roll to someone else on ClassDojo We will have access to photos and videos (either all or just the ones you select) on your mobile device. We do not, however, store any photos or videos that we have access to on your device, except for the photo or video you choose to send to a parent or other user or for setting as your profile picture. Yes: students can only post classwork on their private ClassDojo portfolio for their teachers and their parents to see

No: Outside School Child Users do not access photos and videos.
Camera (optional) To allow teachers, parents, school leaders, and students to send pictures and videos from their camera roll to someone else on ClassDojo We will have access to your camera to allow you to take a photo or video using the ClassDojo app.

Yes: students can only post classwork on their private ClassDojo portfolio for their teachers and their parents to see

No: Outside School Child Users do not access camera.

Microphone (optional) To allow teachers, parents, school leaders and students to create and send videos using ClassDojo Messaging, Class Story, School Story, or Portfolios We will have access to your microphone while recording a video. 

Yes: students can only post classwork on their private ClassDojo portfolio for their teachers and their parents to see

No: Outside School Child Users do not access the microphone. 

Location (optional) To let teachers and parents find and connect with their school easily If you are a teacher using school search, we will request your precise geolocation data in order to surface schools nearby you. We only temporarily access this information and we do not store it anywhere, nor do we share this information with any third parties, except to our service providers as necessary for the functioning of our services. No

Push notifications


To send push notifications To receive push notifications about ClassDojo. Yes
In-app purchases (optional) To allow parents to access new, optional, premium features  Parents can optionally purchase an add-on subscription that is used only at home and not part of the classroom, like giving points to their kids at home No


ClassDojo Android app

Permission type What we need it for What we do with it Ever accessed from students or Outside School Child Users?
Photos / Media / Files, Storage To allow teachers, parents, school leaders, and students to send pictures and videos from their camera roll to someone else on ClassDojo and save content from ClassDojo to the device We will have access to your photo album and any photos/videos available on your mobile device. We do not, however, store any photos or videos that we have access to on your device, except for the photo or video you choose to send to a parent or other user or for setting as your profile picture. Yes: students can only post classwork on their private ClassDojo portfolio for their teachers and their parents to see
Camera To allow teachers, parents, school leaders, and students to send pictures and videos from their camera roll to someone else on ClassDojo We will have access to your camera to allow you to take a photo or video using the ClassDojo app. Yes: students can only post classwork on their private ClassDojo portfolio for their teachers and their parents to see
Microphone To allow teachers, parents, school leaders and students to create and send videos using ClassDojo Messaging, Class Story, School Story, or Portfolios We will have access to your microphone while recording a video.  Yes: students can only post classwork on their private ClassDojo portfolio for their teachers and their parents to see

To let teachers find and connect with their school easily

If you are a teacher using school search, we will request your precise geolocation data in order to surface schools nearby you. We only temporarily access this information and we do not store it anywhere, nor do we share this information with any third parties, except to our service providers as necessary for the functioning of our services. No
Text message functionality (optional) To allow users to invite others via SMS If you choose to send an invite to other teachers or parents via SMS, such as through the “Share the Love” functionality, we will utilize the SMS functionality on your phone. This will open your native messaging tool, and while you can access your contacts, ClassDojo will not have any access to information or the message that is sent. Please note that any fees may apply in accordance with your wireless or data service plan and are your responsibility. No

We also request the following permissions:

- receive data from Internet

- view network connections

- full network access

- run at startup

- control vibration

- prevent device from sleeping

- run foreground service

- run at startup

- Play Install Referrer API

- change your audio settings

Each of these permissions allow us to provide ClassDojo to you, like knowing if you have internet access to open your account. Yes




To allow users to invite others via email  If you choose to send an invite to others with email, such as through the “Share the Love” functionality, we will utilize the email functionality on your phone. This will open your device’s email client and, while you can access your contacts, ClassDojo will not have any access to the contacts. These messages are not sent through ClassDojo Messaging. No