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For Tutors: Personal Profile Page

You can share your unique link and let families book classes directly with you. It's your chance to reach out to those we can't and grow your own tutoring circle!

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Here’s how some of our creative tutors are planning to use their new links:

  • Share with your classes and school community 🏫
  • Post in local Facebook groups to reach your community 📱
  • Give to the families you tutor, so they can easily recommend you to friends 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦
  • Include on your personal websites and social media accounts 🖥️
  • Hand out on business cards to spread the word 📇
  • Share with teacher friends who can share with their class 🤝

Tools for Success

To aid in your promotional efforts, we’ve designed a customizable flier that can be tailored to showcase your unique tutoring offerings. This flier can be handed out during school meetings, pinned on local community boards, or even shared digitally through community portals and more. Use this website to easily create a QR code for your link. 

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Log into your Dojo Tutor Portal, navigate to you profile, click “Copy your profile page link”. This will copy the link to your clipboard and you can then share it with your community. 

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More ways to share!

Your profile page is not just a tool; it's a gateway to expanding your teaching impact and helping more students achieve their educational goals. Encourage families you currently tutor to share your profile with friends, enhancing your reach through trusted recommendations.

With these strategies, your Dojo Tutor profile can significantly broaden your tutoring influence, helping you connect with more students who can benefit from your expertise and dedication. Start sharing today and watch your tutoring network grow!

  • Community Groups: Engage with local parenting or educational Facebook groups by sharing your profile. It’s a respectful and helpful way to offer your services to those already seeking educational support.
  • Personal Website: If you have a personal blog or website, embed your profile there. This makes it easy for visitors to learn about and schedule tutoring sessions directly.


  • Where can I find my profile page link?
    • Log into your Dojo Tutor Portal, navigate to you profile, click “Copy your profile page link”. You can paste that link anywhere.
  • Will Dojo Tutor continue to find new kids for my schedule?
    • Yes, we’ll still be promoting Dojo Tutor and bringing you new kids, this profile is a way for you to reach additional families that we can’t. 
  • Should I use this at the end of my trial classes?
    • For now, please make sure to use the standard QR code provided in the trial slide deck, not your profile link. Using your personal link may cause issues with how we determine if we should add a bonus to your pay or not. 
  • Why does my link look really long?
    • Some email providers added a bunch of characters and make the links look like a big wall of text. If this happened to you, you can get the right format of link from your profile pages, it should look like this: