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Remove a Previous Class, Teacher, or School From Your Parent Account

We understand the importance of wanting to get the most important information from your student's new teachers and school. To ensure your parent account is not cluttered by previous teachers or schools, you take some steps below to update your account.


Removing a Previous Class or Teacher:

Your connection to a teacher and their class will be removed when a teacher archives their class at the end of the year. This will remove the ability for you to message the teacher.

Story and Portfolio posts will remain in your feed for historical purposes. As your child's new teacher starts to post, the old posts will be pushed down, so you'll only be seeing new posts at the top of your newsfeed. 

If you are still seeing an active connection on your account to a previous teacher (ie. you can still message this teacher), please reach out to the teacher and ask them to archive their former class. 


Removing a School:

Whether you are moving to a new city or your child is moving from elementary to middle school, we understand that you no longer want to see the posts from your child's previous school. There are a couple of ways you can "Leave" the previous school.


Delete the student profile from your account:

You can learn more about removing a student profile from your account here.


"Leave" the school from your iOS or Android device:

If the class has been archived, you will see the option to "Leave" the school in your phone settings. Follow these instructions:

  1. In your parent account, select "Kids"
  2. Click on the gear icon
  3. Select "manage connections"
  4. Click "Leave"
  5. Select "Yes, leave school"

Please note that the action of "Leaving" the school will not remove all the posts from the old school. Instead, it will prevent you from seeing any new content from the school. If you would like to remove all posts from that school, you will need to delete the student profile from your account.