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Troubleshooting: My Teacher Can’t See My Submitted Portfolio Post

If your student has submitted a Portfolio post that your teacher can’t see, they may have submitted the post to your portfolio in a different class.

Remember to select the class before submitting the post to ensure that you are posting to the correct one. 

From the Web

When submitting a post on the website, you will see a class name next to the 'Save' button in the upper right-hand corner. To change the class you are submitting a post to, click the downward-facing arrow beside the class name and select the correct class before submitting the post

From the App (iOS and Android)

In the app, at the bottom of the post, you will see 'Selected class: [Class Name].' To change the class you're submitting the post to, click the downward-facing arrow next to the class name and select the correct class before submitting the post.