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How a Student Can Access a Saved Student Portfolio Draft to Edit or Submit

Learn how Students can access a saved Student Portfolio draft to edit or submit from the web or the app below!

From the Web

  1. Log into your student account
  2. At the top of the page, you will see any saved drafts under "To Do" (Please Note: You can click "View All" to access additional drafts.) 
  3. Click "Edit" next to the draft you would like to make changes to
  4. When you are finished editing click "Close" to exit the post, "Save" to mark it as a draft, "Delete" to delete the post completely, or "Hand in" to submit it to your teacher for approval 🎉

From the App (iOS and Android)

  1. Log into your student account
  2. Tap on the name of the class that you have saved the draft to. 
  3. Under "Drafts" you will see all saved drafts. Tap the draft you would like to edit. 
  4. Tap "Continue editing" to access the draft.                                                                    
  5. Tap the paintbrush to access the tools to edit the draft, edit the caption, or the red microphone to add a voice recording.                                                              
  6. When you are finished editing you can either click on the blue downward arrow in the upper left-hand corner to keep the post as a draft or you can press the blue paper plane button in the upper right-hand corner to submit the post to your teacher for approval 🎉