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Monsters in My Class are Greyed Out

Monsters are grey when students have been marked absent. If you have accidentally done this, it is very easy to edit a student's attendance status. Learn how to edit attendance from the web and the app below!

💡 Tip: If your Monsters are still greyed out after following these steps, please check your Time Zone settings to ensure you have the correct setting for your region.

From the Web

Here's how to edit the attendance status of a student from the web: 

  1. Log into your account on the ClassDojo website
  2. Open your class
  3. Click on the "Attendance" button at the bottom of your class screen
  4. To change a student from “absent” to “present” so that their monster is no longer grey, simply click the student’s names until the monster icon next to their name is green. (Red denotes the absent students)
  5. Select “Save attendance"

From the App 

Here's how to edit the attendance status of a student from the app:

  1. Log into your account on the ClassDojo app
  2. Open your class
  3. Under your class name, scroll to the right until you see "Attendance". Select "Attendance"

  4. Any students who are marked absent will have a red icon beside their name. To edit their attendance status to mark them present, tap the monster icon until it is green.
  5. Select “Save” when you are done editing 🎉