ClassDojo Chats are a powerful tool designed to enhance communication between teachers and families. Whether you need to share important updates, coordinate events, or offer support, ClassDojo Chats make it easy to stay connected. To help you make the most of this feature, we’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) that provide detailed guidance and address common questions about the different features of Chats. Explore our FAQs below to learn how ClassDojo Chats can help build a more connected and engaged classroom community!
Q. What are Chats?
A. ClassDojo Chats are a flexible, instant, and private way for teachers and parents to communicate with each other. Parents and teachers can read and respond to messages from the website or from the mobile app. In addition to sending text, teachers can also send photos and stickers to parents. The content of all messages (including photos and stickers) are stored by ClassDojo. Teachers can send whole-class announcements, private 1:1 messages, group chats, or broadcasts depending on the topic or occasion.
Q. Are Chats the same as Messages?
Yup! We have rebranded our messaging function to better reflect our company values. Chats work exactly the same as ClassDojo Messaging has always functioned. You might even see us use the terms interchangeably. 😊
Q. What are Class Announcements?
A. Announcements are one-way messages that show up at the top of your list so you can refer back to them easily. These messages are shared with all parents and co-teachers in your class and are 1-way, meaning parents cannot respond to them. If you’d like to create a 2-way message with multiple people, see below.
To share a Class Announcement, simply click the “Class announcements” row at the top of your message list. You can schedule these announcements just like you can with regular messages. These messages will not show in the individual messaging feed with each parent. You see who has read these messages by clicking the blue “Read by X people” button under the message. Learn more about Class Announcements here.
Q. How can I send the same message to multiple parents in individual/separate threads?
A. Teachers can send Mass messages to families. Mass messages are the same message but in separate threads. To send a Mass message, click the new chat button at the top of your chat module. From there, you can select “Mass message” and check all the parents and co-teachers you would like your message to be delivered to.
Q. How can I message multiple parents and co-teachers in the same thread?
A. Teachers can create group chats with multiple parents and co-teachers in a class to keep everyone in sync. To send the same message to multiple parents, click the new chat button at the top of your chat module. From there, you can select “New group” and check all the parents and co-teachers you would like to include in the chat. Learn more about group chats here.
Q. How can I message my co-teachers and staff?
A. Staff Chats are an easy way to communicate quickly with your colleagues using ClassDojo messaging. Any verified staff member can use Staff Chats to message a group of staff (such as a grade-level team) or individual staff members. Learn more about Staff Chats here.
Q. How can I block someone from messaging me?
A. Teachers and parents can block other users from messaging them or receiving their chats. To do this, you first need to have a message sent to your account by that user. Once the chat has been sent you will want to click on the profile profile icon in the upper right corner of the messaging thread, click on the small dot menu next to the user's name, and click "block". If you wish to unblock a user, you can follow the same steps and click "unblock." Learn more about blocking users in messaging here.