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Upload Custom Avatars, Images, or Headshots for Students

Personalizing your classroom experience on ClassDojo is a fantastic way to engage students and make your class feel unique. One great feature is the ability to upload custom avatars, images, or headshots for your students. This allows you to give each student a personalized touch, whether it's their favorite character, a fun icon, or their own photo. Follow these steps to learn how to upload custom avatars, images, or headshots for students on ClassDojo and bring a personalized touch to your classroom!

Please note:

  • Currently, this feature is only available on the web.
  • You can always click "Restore student-created monster" to remove the teacher-created avatar and replace it with the student-created monster!      

From the Web

  1. Open your class
  2. Click on the "Options" button on the right, then select "Edit Class" from the drop-down menu
  3. From the "Student" tab, select the student you'd like to set a new avatar for
  4. Click on the avatar in the pop-up box
  5. Click on "ClassDojo Monsters" and select "Create New Set” from the drop-down menu                image (6).png
  6. Name your new custom avatar set and click on "Create monster set"
  7. Click on "Upload monsters"
  8. Drag and drop an image file, or click "Choose files" to select a file from your computer.  Continue adding images like this until you're finished, then click on the blue "Upload" button to submit them
  9. Click on “Save set”

You can now select any of your newly uploaded images to set as custom avatars for your class 🎉