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Upload an Attachment to your Story Post

Enhance your Class Story posts by uploading attachments directly to your updates! ClassDojo supports a variety of file types, including PDF, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Text, and CSV files. This feature allows you to share detailed documents, resources, and important information with your classroom community. Follow these simple steps to learn how to upload an attachment to your Class Story post and provide valuable content to your students and families

Please note: At this time, you can only send attachments to families through the Web.

From the Web

To send a whole-class attachment:

  1. Open your class
  2. Click on the "Class Story" tab
  3. Below the "What's happening in your classroom?" click the "Add file" button with the paper clip icon
  4. Select the file you'd like to send to parents
  5. Once the attachment has uploaded, click "Post"

To send an attachment to a single parent via Portfolios:

  1. Open your class
  2. Click on the "Portfolios" tab
  3. Select a student’s name from the “Students” subheading on the left side of the screen and select “Add post”  
  4. Click the "Add file" button with the paper clip icon and select the file you'd like to send to that student's parent
  5. Once the attachment has been uploaded, click "Post"

To send an attachment to families via Messages

  1. Open your class
  2. Click on the "Messages" tab
  3. On the left-hand side click on a single parent thread, Class Announcements, or the select the paper and pencil icon next to Messages to send a "Mass message" to all parents
  4. Click on the paperclip icon in the bottom left corner 
  5. Select your file
  6. Click "Send" to send the file as a message