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Post to Class Story: Adding Images, Video, and Text

Class Story is our class-wide bulletin board.  Class Story can be seen by all connected parents in the class, but not by the whole school.  This is a great place to post class news, images from class events or projects, or post reminders that are relevant to your parents only.

From the Web

Here's how to post to Class Story from the web:

To Post to Class Story:

  1. Open your class
  2. Click on the "Class Story" tab
  3. Tap on "Photo/Video" to add a photo or video. (You can add mp4 videos up to 8 minutes long). Tap "File" to upload an attachment (we currently support the following file attachments: PDF, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Text, and CSV). Tap "Record" to record a video directly on our site. (Videos can be up to 8 minutes long). Tap "Event" to add a Classroom event to your Class Story feed.   
  4. Add your text in the "What's happening in your classroom?" box
  5. Click on "Post" to publish

From the App

Here's how to post to Class Story from the app:

  1. Open your class
  2. Tap on the "Stories" icon at the bottom of the screen
  3. Tap on the camera icon in the "What's happening in your classroom?" box near the top of the screen

  4. Select the content type you'd like to add:  

Add Text: 

  • Tap on or swipe over to the word "Text" to add text to your post
  • Tap on "What's happening in your classroom?" to bring up your keyboard and enter your text
  • Tap on “All parents” to choose which specific Portfolios with whom you would like to share this post
  • Tap on “Post” to send, OR tap/swipe over to “Photo” or “Video” to add a photo or video to your post
    • NOTE: You can also tap on the smiley face to add a filter to your photo/video!

Add a Photo or Video:

  • Tap on or swipe over to the word "Photo" to add an image or “Video” to add a video to your post
  • Tap on the picture icon to select an image or video from your gallery, then tap "Select"
  • Add a caption to your post or tap on “Post” to share it on your Class Story

Delete or Edit a Post:

Make a mistake?  No problem!  You can delete your post at any time

  1. Find your post on the "Stories" page
  2. Tap on the 3 dots at the bottom of the post
  3. Tap “Delete post” to delete the post entirely
  4. Tap “Edit post” if you'd like to make changes

Video Tutorial

For more on how to specifically record and post a video to Class Story, this is a great tutorial video: