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How to Upload Multiple Photos in a Story Post

Sharing your classroom moments is even more exciting with ClassDojo's feature that allows you to upload multiple photos to a Story post! You can attach up to 20 images, making it easy to showcase events, projects, and daily activities in a vibrant and engaging way. Follow these simple steps to learn how to upload multiple photos in a Story post and bring your classroom stories to life with ClassDojo!

Please Note: Photos that are not square will crop to fit the post

💡 Tip: On an Apple computer, hold the "Command" button to select multiple files. On a Windows computer, hold the "Control" button to select multiple files. 

From the Web

Posting Multiple Photos to Class Story

  1. Log into your account 
  2. Open your class and select the "Class Story" tab
  3. Either click the text that reads "What's happening" or click the "Photos/Videos" button to open the story composer
  4. Click "Add Photos/Videos" directly under the text box to upload images
  5. Select multiple photos to upload
  6. Click "Post" to share

Posting Multiple Photos to School Story

  1. Click the "School Story" tab from the left sidebar in your account
  2. Either click the text that reads "What's happening" or click the "Photos/Videos" button to open the story composer
  3. Click "Add Photos/Videos" directly under the text box to upload images
  4. Select multiple photos to upload
  5. Add text, if desired and click "Post" to share
  6. A pop-up message will appear asking you if you want to "Share on the School Story?" Select "Share it now"

From the App

Posting Multiple Photos to Class Story

  1. Login to your account via the app
  2. Open the class to which you would like to add multiple photos
  3. Click the blue circle at the bottom of the screen OR tap “Stories” and select "What's happening?" from the top of the screen

  4. Choose the small photo icon in the bottom left of the screen to open your gallery
  5. Choose up to 20 photos at a time to upload, then tap “Select”
  6. Add a caption (optional) and tap on “Post” to share to Class Story, or select “Class Story” to choose which specific Portfolios with whom you would like to share this post

Posting Multiple Photos to School Story

  1. Login to your account via the app
  2. From your dashboard, tap on your school's name
  3. Select "What's happening?" from the top of the screen

  4. Choose the small photo icon in the bottom left of the screen to open your gallery

  5. Choose up to 20 photos at a time to upload, then tap “Select”

  6. Add a caption (optional) and tap on “Post” to share to School Story

  7. A pop-up message will appear asking you if you want to "Share on the School Story?" Select "Share it now"