School Leaders have the ability to moderate comments posted on School Story by editing or deleting posts or disabling comments entirely.
From the Web
How to Enable or Disable School Story Comments:
- Click on your icon in the upper right corner of the screen
- Select "Account settings"
- Click on the "Comments" tab
- Switch “Class Story Comments” to "On" (tab is green) or "Off" (tab is gray)
Editing and/or Deleting School Story Posts:
- At the top of the dashboard on the left side of your screen, select your school’s name, then select the “Home” tab
- Scroll down to find the School Story post you would like to remove and click on the button with the three horizontal dots in the bottom right corner of the post
- Select "Edit post" to make changes to the post or "Delete post" to remove it (Note: You can only edit a post that you have made. If another teacher created the post, you will have to ask them to edit it or you can choose to delete the post)
Deleting Individual School Story Comments:
- At the top of the dashboard on the left side of your screen, select your school’s name, then select the “Home” tab
- Scroll down to find the post with the comment you'd like to remove and click on the “[number of] comment(s)” button to reveal the comment(s)
- On the right, hover your cursor over the time elapsed since the comment was made, which will reveal an “x”
- Select the "x" to remove the comment
From the App
School Leaders have the ability to moderate comments posted on School Story by editing or deleting posts or by disabling comments entirely. Please see this tutorial for instructions on how to do this on the app.