School Story is a whole-school messaging board. Posts will appear in the School Directory to all parents connected to an active class. Most schools use their School Story for announcements, closure days, reminders for special events, etc. You can post images, videos, files, events or text using the ClassDojo website.
Please note:
- School Leaders will be able to view the number of families who have viewed a School Story post and use these numbers to build school-wide stats.
- Families can comment on School Story posts if you have enabled commenting for parents. For more on how you can moderate the School Story as a School Leader please take a look at this tutorial.
From the Web
School Leaders can post to the School Story on the website by following these instructions:
- Log into your School Leader account
- At the top of the dashboard, on the left side of your screen, select your school’s name, then select the “Home” tab
- In the box which reads “What’s happening at your school?” you can add any text you would like to the post.
- Click "Photo/Video" to add a photo (Note: You can add up to 20 pictures to a Story post by following these instructions). Click "File" to upload an attachment (we currently support the following file attachments: PDF, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Text, and CSV); click "Record" to record a video to post; click "Event" to add an event. Add your text in the "What's happening at your school" box
- Click on "Post" to publish
From the App
School Leaders can post to the School Story on the app by following these instructions:
- Log into your School Leader account on the app
- On your account’s dashboard select the name of your school under “School”
- Tap the box which reads “What’s happening?” This will bring up a camera window where you can take a picture to post. You can swipe to the left to add text or to the right to add a video. You can access your pictures by clicking on the photo gallery icon near the bottom left corner of the “Photo” tab (Note: You can add up to 20 pictures to a Story post by following these instructions)
- Select “Post” and then confirm your post by selecting “Share it now” in the pop-up window