Bring your Class Story to life by recording and posting videos directly on ClassDojo! You can easily share videos up to 8 minutes long and with a size limit of 150 MB. This feature allows you to capture and share exciting moments, important announcements, and engaging lessons with your class community. Follow these simple steps to learn how to record or post a video to your Class Story on the ClassDojo website and make your classroom updates more dynamic and engaging!
From the Web
Here's how to record or post a video to your Class Story from the web:
- Open the class you would like to record a video in
- Click the Class Story tab at the top of the page
- In the "What's happening in your classroom?" box click "Record"
- Click the blue video camera button to begin recording (to adjust settings like camera or microphone click "settings" in the upper left corner)
- When you are finished recording click the red stop button
- When you are ready to post, click "Continue"
- Your video will upload before showing up in the Class Story window. Click "Post" in order to post to the Class Story and share with all the parents and students connected to your class.
From the App
Here's how to record or post a video to your Class Story from the app:
- Tap the class you would like to post a video in on the ClassDojo app
- Tap "Stories" at the bottom of the screen
- Beside "What's happening?" tap the blue camera button
- You can tap on your last camera roll picture in the lower-left corner to choose a video already recorded on your device to upload. Choose the video and then tap "Select".
- Or you can tap "Video" on the screen that pops up to record a video in the app. Tap the red record button to start recording and then the red stop button to end the recording.
- You can tap "Post" to post the video to your Class Story or you can select the gray arrow next to "Class Story" to post to individual Student Portfolios (you can select multiple student's portfolios at the same time)
💡 Troubleshooting Tips:
- If the video is not uploading properly, it is likely due to a connection issue. Please try on multiple different connections (ie. data vs wifi, school vs. home)
- If the app is telling you that you need to enable your camera or microphone you can tap "Enable camera" or "Enable microphone" in the app when it pops up or later by going into your device settings, scrolling down to view your apps, and selecting "ClassDojo". In the window that pops up toggle the bar to green beside both Microphone and Camera.
Video Tutorial
Check out this great video tutorial on recording and posting videos to Class Story: