We understand that building administrators like Principals, Deans, Headteachers, and more need to oversee programs being used school-wide. That’s why we’ve created School Leader accounts. School Approved School Leader accounts give these users the ability to manage their School's Directory (i.e., add and remove teachers and students) and moderate their school's School Story (i.e., edit and delete School Story posts).
On the other hand, we prefer for ClassDojo Mentors to be teachers who use our product daily, are familiar with all of its features, and feel comfortable helping their colleagues learn and troubleshoot. Mentors have to apply to be part of the Mentor Club, a membership that gives them access to a community of ClassDojo super users and allows them to test new features first and provide feedback to our team. The Mentor role also allows these teachers to participate in our Mentor Missions, try out new features, join our Mentor Facebook group, and earn Mentor swag to share the ClassDojo love with their school community.
We encourage our School Leaders to utilize the robust features of their School Leader accounts and leave the Mentor role to the hands-on, daily users of ClassDojo.