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What Can School Leaders See and Do?

A School Leader is a Principal, Vice-Principal, or other individual who is responsible for leading or managing school operations.  School Leader accounts have all the functionality of a teacher account, plus they can track engagement and manage their student roster and staff list in the School Directory.

As a School Leader you can do the following

  • View School Insights - From the Home tab, you can view School Insights to see how engaged your school community is on ClassDojo. The insights include information on the number of messages sent to families, photos and videos shared, and the school-wide positive feedback percentage.
  • Manage classes in the School Directory - School Leaders can access teachers’ classes in the Directory or by having teachers share their classes with them. You can also request to join any class owned by a teacher that is connected to your school. Please see this guide for more on how to do that.
  • View Class Story posts - School Leaders can view Class Story posts for all classes connected to your school by selecting "All Stories" when viewing the School Story feed. 
  • Manage their School Directory, including:
    • Approving and declining teacher requests to join your School
    • Invite new teachers to join your school
    • Removing teachers that are no longer at your school and transferring ownership of their active classes to another teacher
    • Adding any verified teacher as a co-teacher to any class in your Directory
    • Adding, Merging, and Removing students
    • Graduating students and adding them back
    • Add/revoke admin permissions to a teacher's account
    • Request a teacher's message history with a specific parent or with all parents in a specific class
    • Request changes to your school's name, address, or domain
  • Change all student avatars from monster avatars to initial avatars in the School Settings
  • Moderate the School Story - School Leaders can post and moderate the School Story to share updates, important messages, and photos/videos from around the school with all of the connected parents in the school.
  • Monitor class engagement - Using our Unified Story feed, School Leaders can view all Stories posted at the school or filter the main feed to see only Schoolwide posts. To do this, School Leaders can tap the "All Stories" dropdown at the top of the main Story feed and then select whether to view "All Stories" (which include class Story posts) or "School Story."
  • Message any user at the school - Using our Schoolwide Inbox, School Leaders can create a thread with any user connected to the school, even if they are not connected through an active class. To do this, simply click the "Chats" icon in your sidebar and type the name of the family or staff member you would like to message.
  • Award points to any student at the school - With Schoolwide points, you don't have to connect to a class to award points to any student in your Directory. All you have to do is open the "Points" section from your left sidebar to award points. Check out this tutorial to get started!

We're always working to better understand and provide features for our School Leaders, so feel free to write in with requests or ideas!  You can submit a request here