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How School Leaders Can Connect Parents with a School Link

School approved Teachers and School Leaders can now share a School Link with parents to invite them to connect to their child's class. Make sure you see all your teachers listed in your Directory (meaning their accounts are school approved) so that families will be able to easily find their child's teacher when they request to connect. 

Please Note:

  • At this time, you must be a school-approved teacher at a school in order to access a school link. Click here to find out how to approve your account and join your school.
  • You can now send the link via email to any families you would like connected to your school or post the link on a school website or newsletter for all parents to access.
  • When families open the link, they are prompted to log in to their existing parent account or sign up for a parent account. They are then asked to select the name of their child's teacher from a list of teachers at your school. Once they select their child's teacher, they are able to enter their child's name and submit the request. The teacher will need to approve the connection request before the parent will be connected to the student. The teacher can also decline the request.

From the Web

Here’s how a School Leader can access a School Link to share with families from the web:

  1. Log into your verified School Leader account on the website
  2. Select the School Name on your account dashboard on the left side of the screen
  3. Click the "Directory" tab at the top of the screen under your school's name
  4. On the right side of the screen under "Invite parents" click "Copy link" to copy the link to your clipboard 

From the App

Here’s how a School Leader can access a School Link to share with families from the app:

  1. Click on the bell icon in the lower right corner of your class to access the notification, and then click on the pending connection request.
  2. In the window that pops up, you will see the name of the student the parent is requesting to connect to and the email address of the parent’s account. Click “Accept” to connect the parent to the student, and click “Decline” to decline the request.
  3. If the parent should be connected to a different student, you can also click on the pencil icon beside the student's name to scroll through all students before selecting "Approve". 

If a parent ends up connected to the wrong student, you can always disconnect the parent by following the steps in this tutorial.