Learn how to request to join your school from the web and your app below!
It is important that after you create your account, you request to join your school and get school-approved before you start creating classes. Once you are school-approved, you can access your School Directory and import students from your School DIrectory directly into your class. This saves you time because the parent connections will be automatically added as well. If you add students to your class before you get school-approved, it can result in creating duplicate student listings.
Please note: If you need to join more than one school, be sure to check out our School Toggle! Learn more here.
From the Web
Click on the triangle next to “Select a School” in your account, then click “Add a school.”
Join your school by entering the name of your school, selecting the matching school listing from the school list, and then clicking on "Join this School."
- Click "Add school" on the following page. If you own any Personal Classes, you'll see this screen asking if you'd like to add your classes to the school you're requesting to join.
- Once you've sent your request to join the school, a notification will be sent to your School Leaders and teachers with Admin permissions, notifying them of your request. If your school doesn't have a School Leader yet, submit this form to get school-approved! 🎉
From the App (iOS and Android)
From the dashboard, tap on "Join your school!"
Begin typing your school's name (Hint: if you're not seeing your school by name, add the address for more exact search results)
See your school? Tap on the name of the school and then tap "Join this school"
- Once you've sent your request to join the school, a notification will be sent to your School Leaders and teachers with Admin permissions, notifying them of your request. If your school doesn't have a School Leader yet, submit this form to get school-approved! 🎉