The School Toggle allows you to connect to multiple schools with the same account so you can stay connected to your communities! Using the School Toggle, you can belong to multiple schools at once and seamlessly toggle between school listings with one account, providing you with easy access to Staff Messages, School Stories, and School Directories. School Leaders will continue to see all the classes they're connected to listed in their accounts when they toggle between school listings.
From the Web
Here's how to join multiple schools and use the school toggle from the web:
- Log into your account here.
Click on the triangle next to your school’s name and click “Add a school”
- Search for your school by name and/or address, then tap on the school listing to get additional details and request to join.
- Review the school listing and current teachers to confirm that it's the correct school, and then tap “Add school" to request to join. Your request will be pending until you're approved by an existing School Leader or a teacher with admin permissions
If you own any Personal Classes, you'll see this screen asking if you'd like to add your classes to the school you've requested to join.
- Once your request to join the school has been approved, you can use the triangle icon next to the school name to view the schools to which your account is connected. Click on the school names to seamlessly toggle between the schools using the same account!
Please Note: If you can't find your school using the school search, it's possible that it doesn't yet exist on ClassDojo. Check all possible spellings and abbreviations. If you still can't find it, scroll down and click on "Can't find your school? Add it" in the bottom right corner. This will allow you to create a new school listing for your school.
From the App (iOS and Android)
How can I add schools to the School Toggle on the mobile app?
- Open your account on the mobile app. Tap the arrow in the upper left corner to exit your class view.
Scroll down to the “School” heading and tap “Switch schools”
Tap “Add a school” at the bottom of the screen
- Search for your school by name and/or address and click on the school you’d like to add to your School Toggle.
- Tap on the school you’d like to join, then tap “Add school” to request to join this school and add it to your School Switcher Tip- Tap“Notify Admin” or follow the steps here to get verified and connected to the school.
- Once your request to join the school has been approved and your account has been verified, you can tap “Switch schools” to view the schools your account is connected to. Simply tap on the school names to seamlessly toggle between the schools using the same account!