As a school approved School Leader on ClassDojo, you can seamlessly invite other teachers and school leaders to join your school community! Learn more about how to invite them via the website, iOS, and Android below.
Please note:
- After you send invites, you can monitor the invitations under the “Your invites” subheading.
- All of the pending invitations will appear here.
- If you need to cancel an invitation for any reason, please click on the grey arrow beside the teacher’s name and email address and select “Cancel invite.”
- You can also choose to resend an invitation by selecting the same grey arrow and selecting “Resend invite.”
From the Web
Once you've been School Approved as a School Leader with your school, you can easily invite other teachers and school leaders to join you on ClassDojo.
Teachers you invite will automatically be School Approved when they create their account if they create their account using the same email address to which the invitation was sent.
To send invitations via the ClassDojo website, please follow these directions:
- At the top of the dashboard on the left side of your screen, select your school’s name, then select the “Directory” tab
- From the “Teachers” tab in the Directory near the top of the page, click on the blue “+ Invite teachers” button
- Type in the email addresses of the teachers you want to invite (names are optional) and click “Invite Teachers” to send an invitation email to the teacher
From the App
To send invitations via the app, please follow these directions:
- On your account’s dashboard, select the name of your school under “School” and click on the “School Directory” tab
- Under the “Teachers” tab in the School Directory, click on the blue “+ Invite teachers” button near the top of the page
- Type in the email address you would like to invite and click “Invite” to send an invitation email to the teacher