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What is Dojo Islands (Beta)?

Dojo Islands (Beta) is a virtual playground where kids can safely play, learn, explore, and interact with friends. 

How do kids use Dojo Islands at home?

At this time, kids are only able to access Dojo Islands if they are connected to a teacher who has access to Dojo Islands. If the child's teacher has access, then the child can get to Dojo Islands by clicking the ‘play’ button near their monster.


How can teachers and families limit access or turn off to Dojo Islands?  

Families can limit their kids' access to Dojo Islands in their Account Settings.  If you do not see this option, you may need to update your ClassDojo App to the latest version or write us at for support. 

While schools can turn off access to Dojo Islands during class hours. This option is found within class Settings. Go to: Classroom → Options → Edit Class → Settings


How do kids use Dojo Islands at school?

Kids can access the same features at school, provided their child’s teacher allows students to use Dojo Islands in the classroom with their Student Account


What can other kids view with an Outside School Child Account or a Student Account?

  • Kids can see other monsters belonging to kids in their class.
  • They cannot see feedback points or Home Points for other Student Users or Outside School Child Users.
  • Both Student Users and Outside School Child Users will be able to complete activities to earn Stars.
  • Kids can use a predefined set of emojis and short phrases to communicate with each other. 

Is this educational?

We believe kids learn through a variety of ways, both within classrooms and outside of them, with peers and by themselves. Our aim is to engage kids’ natural curiosity and facilitate learning through socialization, exploration, and imaginative play in a virtual setting. 

How much does Dojo Islands cost?

Dojo Islands is free to use. ClassDojo Plus subscribers have additional options of how their monster can look and what their monster can wear.  Eventually, there may be other optional features parents can purchase on behalf of their child. 

What will kids do in this playground?

Kids will have a safe place of their own where they can express themselves, explore, have fun with friends, and learn and grow through play. We intend for the Island to grow over time, so keep checking back for more.

How can kids interact with each other in Dojo Islands?

Children can see other children in their class and their Avatars on Dojo Islands.  They can follow or chase each other on the island and can communicate by choosing from a selection of pre-defined chat options.  Please check back here as Dojo Islands evolve to see other ways your child may interact with other children. 

Are parents involved? 

This experience will be primarily for kids to start, but as we talk to more classrooms and families, we may include experiences that families can do together. As part of building the product, we’re talking to kids, teachers, and families to shape the direction!

How can my child report abuse?

ClassDojo cares about the safety of its Users. If any user needs to report any abuse or inappropriate content on the Services that have either not been addressed (i) by the connected teacher or school if used in connection with a school or classroom, or (ii) the parent if the Services are used not in connection with a school or classroom, they may do so by emailing at

What data is shared between in-school use and home use? 

In addition to the limited data that is shared between an Outside School Child Account and Student Account as set forth here, the following data is shared (with parent consent) between both uses of Monster Island both in school and out of school (not connected to school use):

  • Monster customizations and items
  • Lists of classmates and schoolmates
  • Points and other game currency 
  • State of play