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How Do I Get Started as a School Leader?

Welcome, Principals and Vice Principals! Getting started as a School Leader on ClassDojo is a breeze. As a School Leader, you’ll have access to powerful tools to help you manage and support your school community. From overseeing school-wide communication to managing teacher and student directories, ClassDojo makes it simple and effective. Follow these easy steps to set up your School Leader account and start making a positive impact on your school today!

Unsure if you should have a School Leader account or a teacher account? Learn more here

From the Web

It's easy to sign up for ClassDojo account as a principal, vice-principal, or other School Leader role!

  1. Navigate to the ClassDojo homepage at
  2. Select “School Leader” from the center of the screen.
  3. Enter your school email and click "Continue". *Note: Using your school email is not required but recommended.
  4. Enter your title, first name, last name, password, and your role. Then, click "Create Account"
  5. Search for your school's name and click on the listing you'd like to join
  6. Click "Join This School"
  7. If your school already has a School Leader or a teacher with admin permissions, they will be notified of your join request and can approve your request from within their account.  If you don't have another School Leader or teacher with admin permissions already connected to your school or would like us to approve your account, submit a support request form here

As a school-approved School Leader, you have all the features in a teacher account, but in addition, will be able to...

From the App

  1. Download the ClassDojo App 
  2. Open the app and tap on "I’m a school leader".
  3. Tap on “Create school leader account”.
  4. Enter your title, first name, last name, email address, and create a login password. Then, tap "Create Account".
  5. Join your school.  Search using your school's full name and address, then tap on the matching school. (Please Note: If you don’t see it, scroll to the bottom and tap “Add [your school’s name]” to add it. If you don’t want to join a school, select “I don’t teach in a school.” You can always join your school later by following these instructions).
  6. Tap "Join this school"
  7. If your school already has a School Leader or a teacher with admin permissions, they will be notified of your join request and can approve your request from within their account.  If you don't have another School Leader or teacher with admin permissions already connected to your school or would like us to verify it, you can email for assistance.
  8. From your dashboard, tap on your Demo class to play around with our available features.  You can also tap "+ Add class" to start your own class