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What is School Directory?

The School Directory on ClassDojo is a fantastic tool that makes managing your school community a breeze! This comprehensive list includes all teachers and students at your school. School-approved teachers can add students, along with their parent connections, to the School Directory. This means other teachers can easily add the same students and parents to different classes across the school.

With access to the School Directory, you'll see students' names alongside their connected parents’ names and email addresses. Best of all, the School Directory eliminates the need to send home multiple parent codes for a student enrolled in multiple ClassDojo classes. Families only need to connect to ClassDojo once, as long as teachers import students from the School Directory into their classes. It's a streamlined, efficient way to keep everyone connected and informed!

You can add students to the Directory by:

  1. Joining a school
  2. Creating a new class
  3. Adding students 

OR by going to your School Directory and uploading your whole-school roster.

Please note: Only school-approved teachers will have their students added to the School Directory. Teachers must also be approved when their class was created in order to have their students auto-added to the School Directory.