Keeping student information private is a top priority for us! No student’s account, portfolio, or Outside School Child User’s profile is made available or visible to the general public through ClassDojo. See what is visible to teachers and parents who are connected to a Student or Outside School Child User below.
Student Users
A “Student” is a child who is using ClassDojo in school or class for educational purposes. Please see our FAQ for more information.
What Can Parent Accounts View?
- Student name and avatars
- Point reports (if teachers have chosen to share points with parents)
- All parents have access to the past two weeks of point reports
- Parents who have subscribed to ClassDojo Plus can see 365 days of feedback points as well as additional insights
- Comments (if turned on) and Likes on Class Story posts by any student in the class(es) the parent is connected to
- Portfolio posts or Student Activity Responses that have been submitted by the student the parent is connected to and approved by the teacher, as well as any likes or comments on the Portfolio Post or Student Activity Response
What Can Teachers View?
- Student name and avatars
- Student Activity Responses and Portfolio posts added to the Portfolio for any class a teacher is connected to
- Comments (if turned on) and Likes on Class Story posts, Portfolio posts, or Student Activity Responses
- Point reports for the last 365 days
- Please note: students can be added to multiple classes, but Student Activity Responses, Portfolio posts, and point reports are private to the teachers in each class.
What Can Other Student Users View?
- Comments (if turned on) and Likes on Class Story posts, Portfolio posts, or Student Activity Responses
- They may see other Student names and Avatars
- Dojo Islands (see below)
- If class logins are used, students will pick their name from a list of students in their class. Individual logins link directly to the student’s account.
Outside School Child Users
When a child is using ClassDojo not in connection with a teacher, school, or classroom-like ClassDojo Plus-we call this an “Outside School Child User.” For more on this, check out our FAQ.
Outside School Child Users (ClassDojo Plus Features)
What Can Parent Accounts View?
- Child name and avatar
- Home points and rewards given through ClassDojo Plus. Please note: Teachers cannot see points or rewards given at home.
Feedback Points given by teachers at school within the last 365 days, (if teachers have chosen to share points with parents and the child also is using ClassDojo in school).
- If an Outside School Child Account and Student Account exist for the same child, Feedback Points are shown within the Outside School Child User account since the accounts are linked together and accessed using one login - they are not separate accounts. The accounts use the same login to access both home and school information, but the information is stored separately.
- Some parents may have access to Goals and Routines
- Some parents may have access to Insights and Reporting
What Can Other Children View?
- Outside School Child Users cannot currently see any information about other Student Users unless they are logged in using ClassDojo as a Student User (i.e. connected to a class).
- Outside School Child Users cannot currently see any information from another Outside School Child User utilizing ClassDojo Plus features.
Dojo Islands
If a parent has given parental consent to sharing certain other limited data for use of Dojo Islands, their child, using their Outside School Child Account, may visit a virtual world with their ClassDojo monster, where they can engage in various activities and interact with other children (including classmates) outside of the classroom (Dojo Islands). Please see our Children's Privacy Policy for further details. Additionally, your child’s teacher can specifically choose to turn on the ability for students to utilize Dojo Islands in the classroom with their Student Account.
What Can Other Children View with an Outside School Child Account or a Student Account?
- Children can visit Dojo Islands where they can move around as their monster avatar and engage in various activities.
- Children can see other monsters, including children in their class, and can see how other children in their class perform in various activities (such as their scores in activities) in Dojo Islands.
- Children can see the first names and last initial of other children from class, if that child's parent gave consent. If that child's parent did not give consent, and they joined through a guest link, they will be listed as a guest and won't be able to see any names.
- They cannot see Feedback points or Home Points for other Student Users or Outside School Child Users
- Students will be able to complete activities to earn additional monster parts.
How Can Children Interact With Each Other?
- Children can see other children in their class and their Avatars in Dojo Islands. They can follow or chase each other on the island but currently cannot communicate other than through basic movement or choosing from a selection of pre-existing chat responses. Please check back here as Dojo Islands evolves to see other ways your child may interact with other children.
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